
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Interesting Find

I discovered these amazing photos the other day.  T. Enami was a Japanese photographer.  He was born in the 1850's and operated a photographic studio from the late 1800's to 1929.  He was famous for taking stereoscopic black and white photos with a special 3D camera and colorizing them.  You would need a special viewer in which to look through to see the 3D effect.  Someone has created animated GIF's of his pictures. While the effect is rudimentary, at best, it does give you some idea of what they look like in 3D.

Here is a scan of the original stereoscopic photo:

And here it is in animated GIF format:

Here is another in its original format:

And the animaged GIF:

For more of these amazing photos, visit this flicker page.  There is also a website dedicated to T. Enami.

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